Stopping the Violence (STV)

The STV counselling program is a safe place for women aged 19 and older to share their experience of violence, examine the ways they have been impacted, and begin to heal.

Staff have specialized training and experience to provide support and advocacy. Priority is based on the safety needs of each woman.

The counselling approach is a combination of education around the dynamics of abuse in relationships, safety planning, and supportive counselling. This program empowers participants to regain a sense of clarity and awareness of healthy and unhealthy relationships, increases confidence in making decisions to support the safety of themselves and their children. Additionally, it supports building self-esteem, independence, and overall happiness.

STV Program includes

  • One-to-one and group support for women who have been impacted by violence

  • Woman-centered care through listening, reflecting and providing non-judgmental feedback

  • Emotional support and empowerment

  • Safety planning

  • Education about the effects of trauma

  • Healthy coping strategies

  • Advocacy and referrals

Counselling addresses issues such as

  • Recognizing and understanding the dynamics of violence

  • Exploring the impact of past and current violence

  • Self-care

  • Learning new coping and assertiveness skills

  • Strengthening self-confidence and self-worth

  • Developing a safety plan

Stopping the Violence (STV) counselling is free and can be accessed directly by women through self-referral or referrals from any community agency. We offer help with transportation and childcare costsevening appointments are available upon request.

Woman comforting her friend by holding hands across a table.
Woman holding a rose.
Women supporting each other on a beach.

STV programming is funded by the Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General and Island Health