The Story of the Sooke Transition House Society

The STHS is dedicated to supporting women and children affected by gender-based violence by offering safe and supportive shelter, housing, counselling and other services women may require. We also engage in education and activities aimed at preventing gender-based violence and promoting a balance of power in society.

The Society is guided by the following beliefs when operating all elements of the organization

  • Women who have experienced violence are a vital resource to each other and to the work that we do together.  We are the women we serve.

  • Violence and abuse, which are rooted in power imbalances, are not acceptable and have no place in the family or society.  To prevent violence, we must address the societal roots of violence against women, not just the symptoms.

  • Women experience gender-based violence because they are women.  In addition, women may experience further violence and compounded disadvantages based on their socioeconomic class, ‘race’, ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, health status, religion, spirituality, indigeneity, age and immigration status, among other sources.

  • Sexism and other forms of oppression in society cause institutions, systems and people to deny women’s reality which further perpetuates violence against women.  Our strength comes from our diversity and we recognize and confront violence, racism and all forms of oppression at the personal, community and institutional levels.

  • Inequity is both the cause and effect of gender-based violence.

  • Ending violence and abuse can be achieved through knowledge, which is power, and social change.  Making this change requires courage, conviction and commitment.  We believe violence against women requires a life-course perspective that addresses health and social needs of those who have experienced violence across the lifespan (World Health Organization)

  • Women must have the right to self-determination.  Every woman has the right to choose the direction of their life according to their own values and needs.

  • Women must have the right to live free of violence and abuse, and the threat of violence.  Each woman and child have the right to a safe, respectful environment.

  • Women have the right to access legal information and representation.  Women who choose to access the criminal justice system have the right to be believed.  The responses must be respectful, helpful and dignified and enhance their safety.

  • Women must have the right to define what “family” and “community” are for themselves.  The community has a right to become involved to promote health and wellness which will look different for every woman and child.  Women’s needs are not the same.  We have a responsibility to meet women where they are at.  This is also true for children and youth.

  • Violence against women, substance use and mental wellness are inextricably linked. Women’s experiences of violence can increase substance use and decrease mental wellness.

Want to help us with this journey? Please visit our donation or volunteer pages below. One hundred percent of your donations go to supporting the Transition House and our other programs and services.

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