
Sooke Transition House Society

We respectfully acknowledge that the Sooke Transition House Society, office and Transition House are located on the traditional and unceded territory of the T’Sou-ke Nation Peoples.

Encouraging Healthy, Non-Violent Communities On Vancouver Island.


The Sooke Transition House Society (STHS) provides emergency shelter for women and their children who are in crisis resulting from family violence.  

We also have additional services and programming, in partnership with other organizations, in an understanding and compassionate manner, to care  for the emotional needs of women and children who experience or bear witness to abuse, or are at risk of abuse, threats, or violence.

We provide counselling, education, prevention and advocacy.

So that we may assist others to live free from effects of abuse and violence in all relationships.

Care and Safety

Annie’s place Transition House is a newly renovated home located in Sooke on beautiful Vancouver Island.

We provide safe, clean, temporary emergency accommodations for women and their children leaving abusive situations.

It is a place free from the threat of violence. The house is staffed 24 hours and the location of the house is confidential.

You will meet other women who have lived through similar circumstances.

Our caring Staff at Annie’s Place will provide you with emotional support and personal assistance.

They can put you in touch with agencies and resources offering legal, medical, housing or financial help.

They will encourage you to explore your options and will support you through the process of learning to live without violence. 

Please phone the house directly for assistance and intake.


Community Programs

Through counselling, outreach, support groups, and victim services, STHS provides community supports for women, children, and families to discover new paths forward and healing from the past.

Donations Welcome

We are thankful for our many supporters who offer time, money, and talent to ensure the safe provision of our programs.

Donations are welcome both through monetary and in-kind opportunities. Contact us with any questions.

A big thank you to on going supporters such as BC Housing, the Ministry of Public Safety Solicitor General, the United Way of Greater Victoria, the District of Sooke and the many others who provide resources to make anti-violence programs possible.

ED.STHSociety@gmail.com / 1-778-922-1353

Executive Director: Funding Information, Grants, Contracts, Budgets, Fundraising

manager_sths@shaw.ca / 1-778-966-2591

Transition House Director: Transition House Information, Program Information, Staff, Donations
